Implementation of actor-critic model for MountainCar2019 Community Moderator ElectionCatastrophic forgetting in linear semi-gradient RL agent?Can Reinforcement Learning work for Dutch auctions?What is the difference between “expected return” and “expected reward” in the context of RL?Does employment of engineered immediate rewards in RL introduce a non-linear problem to an agent?Card game for Gym: Reward shapingPolicy gradient on data only, without emulatorsHow to give rewards to actions in RL?What is wrong with this reinforcement learning environment ?DQN cannot learn or convergeReinforcement learning for continuous state and action space

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Implementation of actor-critic model for MountainCar

2019 Community Moderator ElectionCatastrophic forgetting in linear semi-gradient RL agent?Can Reinforcement Learning work for Dutch auctions?What is the difference between “expected return” and “expected reward” in the context of RL?Does employment of engineered immediate rewards in RL introduce a non-linear problem to an agent?Card game for Gym: Reward shapingPolicy gradient on data only, without emulatorsHow to give rewards to actions in RL?What is wrong with this reinforcement learning environment ?DQN cannot learn or convergeReinforcement learning for continuous state and action space



I'm trying to build a model for the Mountain Car game, following this Actor-Critic code:
(However, in this case, it's discrete action space, while it's continuous for my problem. Also, it's not the MountainCar game in this github code.

So, I want to use the actor critic model in order to makes a player of the famous Mountain Car game. All the environment code is here: Everything about the environment works fine. The only file that I have to worry about is

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.distributions import Normal

Contains the definition of the agent that will run in an

class ActorCritic(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(ActorCritic, self).__init__()
self.affine = nn.Linear(2, 32)

self.action_layer = nn.Linear(32, 2)
self.value_layer = nn.Linear(32, 1)

self.logprobs = []
self.state_values = []
self.rewards = []
self.actions = []

def forward(self, observation):
# Convert tuple into tensor
observation_as_list = []
observation_as_list = np.asarray(observation_as_list)
observation_as_list = observation_as_list.reshape(1,2)
observation = observation_as_list

state = torch.from_numpy(observation).float()
state = F.relu(self.affine(state))

state_value = self.value_layer(state)
action_parameters = F.tanh(self.action_layer(state))
action_distribution = Normal(action_parameters[0][0], action_parameters[0][1])

action = action_distribution.sample() # Torch.tensor; action

self.logprobs.append(action_distribution.log_prob(action)+ 1e-6)
return action.item() # Float element

def calculateLoss(self, gamma=0.99):

# calculating discounted rewards:
rewards = []
dis_reward = 0
for reward in self.rewards[::-1]:
dis_reward = reward + gamma * dis_reward
rewards.insert(0, dis_reward)

# normalizing the rewards:
rewards = torch.tensor(rewards)
rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / (rewards.std())

loss = 0
for logprob, value, reward in zip(self.logprobs, self.state_values, rewards):
advantage = reward - value.item()
action_loss = -logprob * advantage
value_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(value, reward)
loss += (action_loss + value_loss)

return loss

def clearMemory(self):
del self.logprobs[:]
del self.state_values[:]
del self.rewards[:]

class RandomAgent():
def __init__(self):
"""Init a new agent.
#self.theta = np.zeros((3, 2))
#self.state = RandomAgent.reset(self,[-20,20])

self.count_episodes = -1
self.max_position = -0.4
self.epsilon = 0.9
self.gamma = 0.99
self.running_rewards = 0
self.policy = ActorCritic()
self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.policy.parameters(), lr=0.01, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
self.check_new_episode = 1
self.count_iter = 0

def reset(self, x_range):
"""Reset the state of the agent for the start of new game.

Parameters of the environment do not change, but your initial
location is randomized.

x_range = [xmin, xmax] contains the range of possible values for x

range for vx is always [-20, 20]
self.epsilon = (self.epsilon * 0.99)
self.count_episodes += 1
return (np.random.uniform(x_range[0],x_range[1]), np.random.uniform(-20,20))

def act(self, observation):
"""Acts given an observation of the environment.

Takes as argument an observation of the current state, and
returns the chosen action.

observation = (x, vx)

# observation_as_list = []
# observation_as_list.append(observation[0])
# observation_as_list.append(observation[1])
# observation_as_list = np.asarray(observation_as_list)
# observation_as_list = observation_as_list.reshape(1,2)
# observation = observation_as_list

if np.random.rand(1) < self.epsilon:
return np.random.uniform(-1,1)
action = self.policy(observation)
return action

def reward(self, observation, action, reward):
"""Receive a reward for performing given action on
given observation.

This is where your agent can learn.
self.count_iter +=1
self.running_rewards += reward
if self.count_iter == 100:
# We want first to update the critic agent:
self.loss = self.policy.calculateLoss(self.gamma)

self.count_iter = 0

Agent = RandomAgent

However, my model does not provide good results. It doesn't even improve with 200 episodes.

Any ideas what is wrong on my code?? Any suggestions??

Thanks a lot !!

share|improve this question




    I'm trying to build a model for the Mountain Car game, following this Actor-Critic code:
    (However, in this case, it's discrete action space, while it's continuous for my problem. Also, it's not the MountainCar game in this github code.

    So, I want to use the actor critic model in order to makes a player of the famous Mountain Car game. All the environment code is here: Everything about the environment works fine. The only file that I have to worry about is

    import numpy as np
    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    import torch.optim as optim
    import torch.nn.functional as F
    from torch.distributions import Normal

    Contains the definition of the agent that will run in an

    class ActorCritic(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
    super(ActorCritic, self).__init__()
    self.affine = nn.Linear(2, 32)

    self.action_layer = nn.Linear(32, 2)
    self.value_layer = nn.Linear(32, 1)

    self.logprobs = []
    self.state_values = []
    self.rewards = []
    self.actions = []

    def forward(self, observation):
    # Convert tuple into tensor
    observation_as_list = []
    observation_as_list = np.asarray(observation_as_list)
    observation_as_list = observation_as_list.reshape(1,2)
    observation = observation_as_list

    state = torch.from_numpy(observation).float()
    state = F.relu(self.affine(state))

    state_value = self.value_layer(state)
    action_parameters = F.tanh(self.action_layer(state))
    action_distribution = Normal(action_parameters[0][0], action_parameters[0][1])

    action = action_distribution.sample() # Torch.tensor; action

    self.logprobs.append(action_distribution.log_prob(action)+ 1e-6)
    return action.item() # Float element

    def calculateLoss(self, gamma=0.99):

    # calculating discounted rewards:
    rewards = []
    dis_reward = 0
    for reward in self.rewards[::-1]:
    dis_reward = reward + gamma * dis_reward
    rewards.insert(0, dis_reward)

    # normalizing the rewards:
    rewards = torch.tensor(rewards)
    rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / (rewards.std())

    loss = 0
    for logprob, value, reward in zip(self.logprobs, self.state_values, rewards):
    advantage = reward - value.item()
    action_loss = -logprob * advantage
    value_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(value, reward)
    loss += (action_loss + value_loss)

    return loss

    def clearMemory(self):
    del self.logprobs[:]
    del self.state_values[:]
    del self.rewards[:]

    class RandomAgent():
    def __init__(self):
    """Init a new agent.
    #self.theta = np.zeros((3, 2))
    #self.state = RandomAgent.reset(self,[-20,20])

    self.count_episodes = -1
    self.max_position = -0.4
    self.epsilon = 0.9
    self.gamma = 0.99
    self.running_rewards = 0
    self.policy = ActorCritic()
    self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.policy.parameters(), lr=0.01, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
    self.check_new_episode = 1
    self.count_iter = 0

    def reset(self, x_range):
    """Reset the state of the agent for the start of new game.

    Parameters of the environment do not change, but your initial
    location is randomized.

    x_range = [xmin, xmax] contains the range of possible values for x

    range for vx is always [-20, 20]
    self.epsilon = (self.epsilon * 0.99)
    self.count_episodes += 1
    return (np.random.uniform(x_range[0],x_range[1]), np.random.uniform(-20,20))

    def act(self, observation):
    """Acts given an observation of the environment.

    Takes as argument an observation of the current state, and
    returns the chosen action.

    observation = (x, vx)

    # observation_as_list = []
    # observation_as_list.append(observation[0])
    # observation_as_list.append(observation[1])
    # observation_as_list = np.asarray(observation_as_list)
    # observation_as_list = observation_as_list.reshape(1,2)
    # observation = observation_as_list

    if np.random.rand(1) < self.epsilon:
    return np.random.uniform(-1,1)
    action = self.policy(observation)
    return action

    def reward(self, observation, action, reward):
    """Receive a reward for performing given action on
    given observation.

    This is where your agent can learn.
    self.count_iter +=1
    self.running_rewards += reward
    if self.count_iter == 100:
    # We want first to update the critic agent:
    self.loss = self.policy.calculateLoss(self.gamma)

    self.count_iter = 0

    Agent = RandomAgent

    However, my model does not provide good results. It doesn't even improve with 200 episodes.

    Any ideas what is wrong on my code?? Any suggestions??

    Thanks a lot !!

    share|improve this question






      I'm trying to build a model for the Mountain Car game, following this Actor-Critic code:
      (However, in this case, it's discrete action space, while it's continuous for my problem. Also, it's not the MountainCar game in this github code.

      So, I want to use the actor critic model in order to makes a player of the famous Mountain Car game. All the environment code is here: Everything about the environment works fine. The only file that I have to worry about is

      import numpy as np
      import torch
      import torch.nn as nn
      import torch.optim as optim
      import torch.nn.functional as F
      from torch.distributions import Normal

      Contains the definition of the agent that will run in an

      class ActorCritic(nn.Module):
      def __init__(self):
      super(ActorCritic, self).__init__()
      self.affine = nn.Linear(2, 32)

      self.action_layer = nn.Linear(32, 2)
      self.value_layer = nn.Linear(32, 1)

      self.logprobs = []
      self.state_values = []
      self.rewards = []
      self.actions = []

      def forward(self, observation):
      # Convert tuple into tensor
      observation_as_list = []
      observation_as_list = np.asarray(observation_as_list)
      observation_as_list = observation_as_list.reshape(1,2)
      observation = observation_as_list

      state = torch.from_numpy(observation).float()
      state = F.relu(self.affine(state))

      state_value = self.value_layer(state)
      action_parameters = F.tanh(self.action_layer(state))
      action_distribution = Normal(action_parameters[0][0], action_parameters[0][1])

      action = action_distribution.sample() # Torch.tensor; action

      self.logprobs.append(action_distribution.log_prob(action)+ 1e-6)
      return action.item() # Float element

      def calculateLoss(self, gamma=0.99):

      # calculating discounted rewards:
      rewards = []
      dis_reward = 0
      for reward in self.rewards[::-1]:
      dis_reward = reward + gamma * dis_reward
      rewards.insert(0, dis_reward)

      # normalizing the rewards:
      rewards = torch.tensor(rewards)
      rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / (rewards.std())

      loss = 0
      for logprob, value, reward in zip(self.logprobs, self.state_values, rewards):
      advantage = reward - value.item()
      action_loss = -logprob * advantage
      value_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(value, reward)
      loss += (action_loss + value_loss)

      return loss

      def clearMemory(self):
      del self.logprobs[:]
      del self.state_values[:]
      del self.rewards[:]

      class RandomAgent():
      def __init__(self):
      """Init a new agent.
      #self.theta = np.zeros((3, 2))
      #self.state = RandomAgent.reset(self,[-20,20])

      self.count_episodes = -1
      self.max_position = -0.4
      self.epsilon = 0.9
      self.gamma = 0.99
      self.running_rewards = 0
      self.policy = ActorCritic()
      self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.policy.parameters(), lr=0.01, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
      self.check_new_episode = 1
      self.count_iter = 0

      def reset(self, x_range):
      """Reset the state of the agent for the start of new game.

      Parameters of the environment do not change, but your initial
      location is randomized.

      x_range = [xmin, xmax] contains the range of possible values for x

      range for vx is always [-20, 20]
      self.epsilon = (self.epsilon * 0.99)
      self.count_episodes += 1
      return (np.random.uniform(x_range[0],x_range[1]), np.random.uniform(-20,20))

      def act(self, observation):
      """Acts given an observation of the environment.

      Takes as argument an observation of the current state, and
      returns the chosen action.

      observation = (x, vx)

      # observation_as_list = []
      # observation_as_list.append(observation[0])
      # observation_as_list.append(observation[1])
      # observation_as_list = np.asarray(observation_as_list)
      # observation_as_list = observation_as_list.reshape(1,2)
      # observation = observation_as_list

      if np.random.rand(1) < self.epsilon:
      return np.random.uniform(-1,1)
      action = self.policy(observation)
      return action

      def reward(self, observation, action, reward):
      """Receive a reward for performing given action on
      given observation.

      This is where your agent can learn.
      self.count_iter +=1
      self.running_rewards += reward
      if self.count_iter == 100:
      # We want first to update the critic agent:
      self.loss = self.policy.calculateLoss(self.gamma)

      self.count_iter = 0

      Agent = RandomAgent

      However, my model does not provide good results. It doesn't even improve with 200 episodes.

      Any ideas what is wrong on my code?? Any suggestions??

      Thanks a lot !!

      share|improve this question


      I'm trying to build a model for the Mountain Car game, following this Actor-Critic code:
      (However, in this case, it's discrete action space, while it's continuous for my problem. Also, it's not the MountainCar game in this github code.

      So, I want to use the actor critic model in order to makes a player of the famous Mountain Car game. All the environment code is here: Everything about the environment works fine. The only file that I have to worry about is

      import numpy as np
      import torch
      import torch.nn as nn
      import torch.optim as optim
      import torch.nn.functional as F
      from torch.distributions import Normal

      Contains the definition of the agent that will run in an

      class ActorCritic(nn.Module):
      def __init__(self):
      super(ActorCritic, self).__init__()
      self.affine = nn.Linear(2, 32)

      self.action_layer = nn.Linear(32, 2)
      self.value_layer = nn.Linear(32, 1)

      self.logprobs = []
      self.state_values = []
      self.rewards = []
      self.actions = []

      def forward(self, observation):
      # Convert tuple into tensor
      observation_as_list = []
      observation_as_list = np.asarray(observation_as_list)
      observation_as_list = observation_as_list.reshape(1,2)
      observation = observation_as_list

      state = torch.from_numpy(observation).float()
      state = F.relu(self.affine(state))

      state_value = self.value_layer(state)
      action_parameters = F.tanh(self.action_layer(state))
      action_distribution = Normal(action_parameters[0][0], action_parameters[0][1])

      action = action_distribution.sample() # Torch.tensor; action

      self.logprobs.append(action_distribution.log_prob(action)+ 1e-6)
      return action.item() # Float element

      def calculateLoss(self, gamma=0.99):

      # calculating discounted rewards:
      rewards = []
      dis_reward = 0
      for reward in self.rewards[::-1]:
      dis_reward = reward + gamma * dis_reward
      rewards.insert(0, dis_reward)

      # normalizing the rewards:
      rewards = torch.tensor(rewards)
      rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / (rewards.std())

      loss = 0
      for logprob, value, reward in zip(self.logprobs, self.state_values, rewards):
      advantage = reward - value.item()
      action_loss = -logprob * advantage
      value_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(value, reward)
      loss += (action_loss + value_loss)

      return loss

      def clearMemory(self):
      del self.logprobs[:]
      del self.state_values[:]
      del self.rewards[:]

      class RandomAgent():
      def __init__(self):
      """Init a new agent.
      #self.theta = np.zeros((3, 2))
      #self.state = RandomAgent.reset(self,[-20,20])

      self.count_episodes = -1
      self.max_position = -0.4
      self.epsilon = 0.9
      self.gamma = 0.99
      self.running_rewards = 0
      self.policy = ActorCritic()
      self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.policy.parameters(), lr=0.01, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
      self.check_new_episode = 1
      self.count_iter = 0

      def reset(self, x_range):
      """Reset the state of the agent for the start of new game.

      Parameters of the environment do not change, but your initial
      location is randomized.

      x_range = [xmin, xmax] contains the range of possible values for x

      range for vx is always [-20, 20]
      self.epsilon = (self.epsilon * 0.99)
      self.count_episodes += 1
      return (np.random.uniform(x_range[0],x_range[1]), np.random.uniform(-20,20))

      def act(self, observation):
      """Acts given an observation of the environment.

      Takes as argument an observation of the current state, and
      returns the chosen action.

      observation = (x, vx)

      # observation_as_list = []
      # observation_as_list.append(observation[0])
      # observation_as_list.append(observation[1])
      # observation_as_list = np.asarray(observation_as_list)
      # observation_as_list = observation_as_list.reshape(1,2)
      # observation = observation_as_list

      if np.random.rand(1) < self.epsilon:
      return np.random.uniform(-1,1)
      action = self.policy(observation)
      return action

      def reward(self, observation, action, reward):
      """Receive a reward for performing given action on
      given observation.

      This is where your agent can learn.
      self.count_iter +=1
      self.running_rewards += reward
      if self.count_iter == 100:
      # We want first to update the critic agent:
      self.loss = self.policy.calculateLoss(self.gamma)

      self.count_iter = 0

      Agent = RandomAgent

      However, my model does not provide good results. It doesn't even improve with 200 episodes.

      Any ideas what is wrong on my code?? Any suggestions??

      Thanks a lot !!

      python reinforcement-learning pytorch actor-critic

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked 7 hours ago








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