
Showing posts from March 30, 2019

Do they change the text of the seder in Israel? The Next CEO of Stack OverflowAdvanced Seder AdviceBeginners' Seder AdviceAt the seder, does everybody make kiddush?Why do we sing Chad Gadya and Echad Mi Yodea at the seder?Why does the Hagadda talk about our being slaves now and free next year in Israel?Tu B'Shvat Seder: At night or day?Passover Seder for the infirm. Leniencies?What is mandatory for the second seder?Shalom Aleichem and Eishet Chayil at the Pesach Seder?Can a gentile lead the Passover Seder?

Legal workarounds for testamentary trust perceived as unfair Flying from Cape Town to England and return to another province Do they change the text of the seder in Israel? Won the lottery - how do I keep the money? Why is information "lost" when it got into a black hole? How to delete every two lines after 3rd lines in a file contains very large number of lines? Is a distribution that is normal, but highly skewed considered Gaussian? The exact meaning of 'Mom made me a sandwich' What happened in Rome, when the western empire "fell"? Would a completely good Muggle be able to use a wand? What was the first Unix version to run on a microcomputer? RigExpert AA-35 - Interpreting The Information Is the D&D universe the same as the Forgotten Realms universe? Where do students learn to solve polynomial equations these days? Necessary condition on homology group for a set to be contractible Is it convenient to ask the journal's

Using Rolle's theorem to show an equation has only one real root The Next CEO of Stack OverflowUsing the Intermediate Value Theorem and Rolle's theorem to determine number of rootsProve using Rolle's Theorem that an equation has exactly one real solution.Rolle's theorem prove polynomial has only 1 rootprove to have at least one real root by Rolle's theoremProve that $tan (x)=sin (x)+1$ has only one solution in $left(−frac π2,frac π2right)$Prove that the equation $x + cos(x) + e^x = 0$ has *exactly* one rootUsing Rolle's theorem and IVT, show that $x^4-7x^3+9=0$ has exactly $2$ roots.How to show that an equation has exactly two solutions?Proving the equation $4x^3+6x^2+5x=-7$ has has only one solution using Rolle's or Lagrange's theoremProve, without using Rolle's theorem, that a polynomial $f$ with $f'(a) = 0 = f'(b)$ for some $a < b$, has at most one root

What does "Its cash flow is deeply negative" mean? Is French Guiana a (hard) EU border? Axiom Schema vs Axiom Can MTA send mail via a relay without being told so? Yu-Gi-Oh cards in Python 3 Writing differences on a blackboard A Man With a Stainless Steel Endoskeleton (like The Terminator) Fighting Cloaked Aliens Only He Can See Is it possible to use a NPN BJT as switch, from single power source? Can we say or write : "No, it'sn't"? Are police here, aren't itthey? How to avoid supervisors with prejudiced views? Help understanding this unsettling image of Titan, Epimetheus, and Saturn's rings? How to delete every two lines after 3rd lines in a file contains very large number of lines? How many extra stops do monopods offer for tele photographs? How to invert MapIndexed on a ragged structure? How to construct a tree from rules? Bartok - Syncopation (1): Meaning of notes in between Grand Staff Is it okay to majorly distort