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Most bit efficient text communication method? Is CEO the "profession" with the most psychopaths? Significance of Cersei's obsession with elephants? What are the out-of-universe reasons for the references to Toby Maguire-era Spider-Man in Into the Spider-Verse? How do I find out the mythology and history of my Fortress? What does it mean that physics no longer uses mechanical models to describe phenomena? Why do we need to use the builder design pattern when we can do the same thing with setters? Why is it faster to reheat something than it is to cook it? How does light 'choose' between wave and particle behaviour? Should I use a zero-interest credit card for a large one-time purchase? How to compare two different files line by line in unix? When a candle burns, why does the top of wick glow if bottom of flame is hottest? Why should I vote and accept answers? Why weren't discrete x86 CPUs ever used in game hardware? How would a mouse...