Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30 pm US/Eastern) Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30 pm US/Eastern) Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?The Many Memes of MetaWhich tools and technologies are used to build the Stack Exchange Network?Recent Reputation History ChangesStack Overflow is getting a Meta of its ownOperation 'Split, All The Metas!' Shall Commence On April 16, 2014Brief outage planned for Wed, May 3, 2017 at 8pm US/Eastern (00:00 UTC) (like a fire drill for computers)Brief maintenances planned for Sat, July 8 & 22, 2017 both at 14:00 UTC (10AM US/Eastern)Brief maintenances planned for Sat, July 22, 2017 at 00:01 UTC (Fri July 21, 8pm US/Eastern)What criteria should we use to determine which review queue indicator a site will have?Planned maintenance scheduled for March 17, 2018 at 13:00 UTC (9AM US/Eastern)Brace yourselves: The GDPR is coming!Planned maintenance scheduled for July 14, 2018 at 13:00 UTC (9AM US/Eastern)

What is /etc/mtab in Linux?

What do you call an IPA symbol that lacks a name (e.g. ɲ)?

Variable does not exist: sObjectType (Task.sObjectType)

How would you suggest I follow up with coworkers about our deadline that's today?

Is there an efficient way for synchronising audio events real-time with LEDs using an MCU?

Is Bran literally the world's memory?

false 'Security alert' from Google - every login generates mails from ''

Single pole switch with lighting "zones"?

Will I be more secure with my own router behind my ISP's router?

Like totally amazing interchangeable sister outfit accessory swapping or whatever

Was there ever a LEGO store in Miami International Airport?

/bin/ls sorts differently than just ls

What's the difference between using dependency injection with a container and using a service locator?

Is it OK if I do not take the receipt in Germany?

Specify the range of GridLines

What were wait-states, and why was it only an issue for PCs?

Has a Nobel Peace laureate ever been accused of war crimes?

When speaking, how do you change your mind mid-sentence?

Simulate round-robin tournament draw

Why would the Overseers waste their stock of slaves on the Game?

What does the black goddess statue do and what is it?

Retract an already submitted Recommendation Letter (written for an undergrad student)

Did war bonds have better investment alternatives during WWII?

What does こした mean?

Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30 pm US/Eastern)

Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30 pm US/Eastern)
Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?The Many Memes of MetaWhich tools and technologies are used to build the Stack Exchange Network?Recent Reputation History ChangesStack Overflow is getting a Meta of its ownOperation 'Split, All The Metas!' Shall Commence On April 16, 2014Brief outage planned for Wed, May 3, 2017 at 8pm US/Eastern (00:00 UTC) (like a fire drill for computers)Brief maintenances planned for Sat, July 8 & 22, 2017 both at 14:00 UTC (10AM US/Eastern)Brief maintenances planned for Sat, July 22, 2017 at 00:01 UTC (Fri July 21, 8pm US/Eastern)What criteria should we use to determine which review queue indicator a site will have?Planned maintenance scheduled for March 17, 2018 at 13:00 UTC (9AM US/Eastern)Brace yourselves: The GDPR is coming!Planned maintenance scheduled for July 14, 2018 at 13:00 UTC (9AM US/Eastern)


Current status We have hit some unexpected issues and have rescheduled - title and dates below are updated. The work listed below for Monday/Tuesday has already been completed, the rest of the work will be completed on the day we perform the failover.

tl;dr: Planned service interruption that will impact all Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange sites, Jobs, Chat, and Teams. All sites will be read-only for up to an hour during the maintenance. Enterprise cloud hosted instances will not be impacted.

Short Version:

There will be a service degradation for up to an hour this upcoming week - possibly April 23rd, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30 PM US/Eastern). During that time questions and answers will still display, job listings will still work, and job ads will still display. However, the site will be "read only," i.e. people won't appear logged-in, won't be able to add/edit new job listings, apply for jobs, create, edit or vote on questions/comments/answers, reputation won't change, etc. This should minimize the disruption to the majority of casual readers. We will display a banner on the sites stating we're 'read only' for maintenance. We expect that the site will be in a read-only state for less than an hour.

Longer More Technical Version of What’s Happening?


Our primary database servers are currently running on Windows Server 2012. We have two Windows Failover Clusters, one for Stack Overflow and one for Stack Exchange (Careers), each cluster contains three database servers. We will be upgrading the servers to Windows Server 2016. During the service interruption, we will be performing a failover of the servers still on Windows Server 2012 to the servers already on Windows Server 2016.

What we'll be doing

As mentioned we are using Windows Failover Clustering, along with SQL Server Always On Availability Groups, and Distributed Availability Groups to keep our data in sync across various servers, while giving us redundancy in multiple locations (NY and CO). Starting next week, we will be upgrading the operating systems across these servers to Windows Server 2016.

This upgrades involves many moving pieces, but high-level we will be doing the following next week:

  • Monday: we will be removing a NY server (currently a secondary) from an existing Windows Failover Cluster. The server will get a clean install of Windows Server 2016, a new Failover Cluster will be created, SQL Server 2017 will be reinstalled, and we will create new Availability Groups and new Distributed Availability Groups. By doing this, this server should start to receive data from the current primary SQL Server i.e. the one still in the old 2012 cluster.

  • Tuesday: another NY Secondary will follow the same path as the one on Monday.

  • Wednesday: the remote secondaries in CO will be removed from the old 2012 clusters, rebuilt, and put into the new 2016 failover clusters.

At this point, we will have a GO / NO-GO on the failover. If everything goes according to plan and we feel comfortable, then we will perform the failover (scheduled maintenance) . If anything gets delayed or if there are unexpected issues, then we will push the maintenance to later.

We will not be moving forward with the failover until we are comfortable.

When we perform the maintenance, we will be pointing the applications to the new 2016 servers and performing a SQL failover of the Distributed Availability Groups. We expect that the site will be in a read-only state for about an hour. During this time, we will be making progress announcements and updates on @StackStatus, so following along there if you're interested.

This is a very complicated move that we are making, which has been fully tested in a lab environment, but you can never be sure of anything during these types of operations. As Nick Craver said:

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth - Mike Tyson

Questions or concerns?

Please post a comment or answer below; I'll do my best to address any concerns between now and the maintenance window.

share|improve this question

  • 41

    I'll cross some fingers for you :P

    – Tim Stone
    Apr 12 at 19:12

  • 11

    @TimStone We need more than that. :)

    – Taryn
    Apr 12 at 19:15

  • 10

    Alright alright, I'll go buy some rum or something too

    – Tim Stone
    Apr 12 at 19:17

  • 107

    As you also take out chat, any chance we might be watching all of this in a live stream? Or do you expect us to go outside, get some fresh air and ... shrug talk to real people during that hour?

    – rene
    Apr 12 at 19:20

  • 5

    @rene I don't think there will be a livestream this time around, unless something changes between now and maintenance day. There are a ton of moving parts and that adds another layer of stuff.

    – Taryn
    Apr 12 at 19:24

  • 31

    Wait... will I have to... go to sleep!?

    – Artemis Fowl
    Apr 12 at 21:35

  • 26

    Looking forward to the upgrade to Server 2019 in six to eight weeks.

    – Michael Hampton
    Apr 13 at 1:29

  • 9

    @MichaelHampton that was the initial plan, but we ran into a lot of issues with it so decided 2016 got us the improvements we wanted on the SQL side. Also the biggest pain is leaving 2012, it wouldn’t be as complicated if we were on 2012 R2.

    – Taryn
    Apr 13 at 1:32

  • 51

    🔺 Thanks for plenty of notice.

    – Rob
    Apr 13 at 2:03

  • 7

    Banner text: We're 'read only' for 60 to 80 minutes for maintenance.

    – TGrif
    Apr 13 at 18:33

  • 4

    Why not take the AWS route, migrate to the cloud?

    – Housemd
    Apr 14 at 6:19

  • 7

    Ha! The AskDifferent, AskUbuntu and Unix StackExchange sites are running on Windows Server :)

    – LogicalBranch
    Apr 16 at 9:11

  • 4

    Why are you using Windows Server?

    – Sean
    Apr 16 at 19:18

  • 3

    @AndrewMorton Of course we'll share. We hit a significant bug within SQL Server and the Distributed AGs. Microsoft worked with us to get past the issue, but a fix will be released in the next CU.

    – Taryn
    2 days ago

  • 3

    I hope this is over soon. What will become of me during these hours?? Where will I go? What will I be??

    – Taslim Oseni


Current status We have hit some unexpected issues and have rescheduled - title and dates below are updated. The work listed below for Monday/Tuesday has already been completed, the rest of the work will be completed on the day we perform the failover.

tl;dr: Planned service interruption that will impact all Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange sites, Jobs, Chat, and Teams. All sites will be read-only for up to an hour during the maintenance. Enterprise cloud hosted instances will not be impacted.

Short Version:

There will be a service degradation for up to an hour this upcoming week - possibly April 23rd, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30 PM US/Eastern). During that time questions and answers will still display, job listings will still work, and job ads will still display. However, the site will be "read only," i.e. people won't appear logged-in, won't be able to add/edit new job listings, apply for jobs, create, edit or vote on questions/comments/answers, reputation won't change, etc. This should minimize the disruption to the majority of casual readers. We will display a banner on the sites stating we're 'read only' for maintenance. We expect that the site will be in a read-only state for less than an hour.

Longer More Technical Version of What’s Happening?


Our primary database servers are currently running on Windows Server 2012. We have two Windows Failover Clusters, one for Stack Overflow and one for Stack Exchange (Careers), each cluster contains three database servers. We will be upgrading the servers to Windows Server 2016. During the service interruption, we will be performing a failover of the servers still on Windows Server 2012 to the servers already on Windows Server 2016.

What we'll be doing

As mentioned we are using Windows Failover Clustering, along with SQL Server Always On Availability Groups, and Distributed Availability Groups to keep our data in sync across various servers, while giving us redundancy in multiple locations (NY and CO). Starting next week, we will be upgrading the operating systems across these servers to Windows Server 2016.

This upgrades involves many moving pieces, but high-level we will be doing the following next week:

  • Monday: we will be removing a NY server (currently a secondary) from an existing Windows Failover Cluster. The server will get a clean install of Windows Server 2016, a new Failover Cluster will be created, SQL Server 2017 will be reinstalled, and we will create new Availability Groups and new Distributed Availability Groups. By doing this, this server should start to receive data from the current primary SQL Server i.e. the one still in the old 2012 cluster.

  • Tuesday: another NY Secondary will follow the same path as the one on Monday.

  • Wednesday: the remote secondaries in CO will be removed from the old 2012 clusters, rebuilt, and put into the new 2016 failover clusters.

At this point, we will have a GO / NO-GO on the failover. If everything goes according to plan and we feel comfortable, then we will perform the failover (scheduled maintenance) . If anything gets delayed or if there are unexpected issues, then we will push the maintenance to later.

We will not be moving forward with the failover until we are comfortable.

When we perform the maintenance, we will be pointing the applications to the new 2016 servers and performing a SQL failover of the Distributed Availability Groups. We expect that the site will be in a read-only state for about an hour. During this time, we will be making progress announcements and updates on @StackStatus, so following along there if you're interested.

This is a very complicated move that we are making, which has been fully tested in a lab environment, but you can never be sure of anything during these types of operations. As Nick Craver said:

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth - Mike Tyson

Questions or concerns?

Please post a comment or answer below; I'll do my best to address any concerns between now and the maintenance window.

share|improve this question

  • 41

    I'll cross some fingers for you :P

    – Tim Stone
    Apr 12 at 19:12

  • 11

    @TimStone We need more than that. :)

    – Taryn
    Apr 12 at 19:15

  • 10

    Alright alright, I'll go buy some rum or something too

    – Tim Stone
    Apr 12 at 19:17

  • 107

    As you also take out chat, any chance we might be watching all of this in a live stream? Or do you expect us to go outside, get some fresh air and ... shrug talk to real people during that hour?

    – rene
    Apr 12 at 19:20

  • 5

    @rene I don't think there will be a livestream this time around, unless something changes between now and maintenance day. There are a ton of moving parts and that adds another layer of stuff.

    – Taryn
    Apr 12 at 19:24

  • 31

    Wait... will I have to... go to sleep!?

    – Artemis Fowl
    Apr 12 at 21:35

  • 26

    Looking forward to the upgrade to Server 2019 in six to eight weeks.

    – Michael Hampton
    Apr 13 at 1:29

  • 9

    @MichaelHampton that was the initial plan, but we ran into a lot of issues with it so decided 2016 got us the improvements we wanted on the SQL side. Also the biggest pain is leaving 2012, it wouldn’t be as complicated if we were on 2012 R2.

    – Taryn
    Apr 13 at 1:32

  • 51

    🔺 Thanks for plenty of notice.

    – Rob
    Apr 13 at 2:03

  • 7

    Banner text: We're 'read only' for 60 to 80 minutes for maintenance.

    – TGrif
    Apr 13 at 18:33

  • 4

    Why not take the AWS route, migrate to the cloud?

    – Housemd
    Apr 14 at 6:19

  • 7

    Ha! The AskDifferent, AskUbuntu and Unix StackExchange sites are running on Windows Server :)

    – LogicalBranch
    Apr 16 at 9:11

  • 4

    Why are you using Windows Server?

    – Sean
    Apr 16 at 19:18

  • 3

    @AndrewMorton Of course we'll share. We hit a significant bug within SQL Server and the Distributed AGs. Microsoft worked with us to get past the issue, but a fix will be released in the next CU.

    – Taryn
    2 days ago

  • 3

    I hope this is over soon. What will become of me during these hours?? Where will I go? What will I be??

    – Taslim Oseni





Current status We have hit some unexpected issues and have rescheduled - title and dates below are updated. The work listed below for Monday/Tuesday has already been completed, the rest of the work will be completed on the day we perform the failover.

tl;dr: Planned service interruption that will impact all Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange sites, Jobs, Chat, and Teams. All sites will be read-only for up to an hour during the maintenance. Enterprise cloud hosted instances will not be impacted.

Short Version:

There will be a service degradation for up to an hour this upcoming week - possibly April 23rd, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30 PM US/Eastern). During that time questions and answers will still display, job listings will still work, and job ads will still display. However, the site will be "read only," i.e. people won't appear logged-in, won't be able to add/edit new job listings, apply for jobs, create, edit or vote on questions/comments/answers, reputation won't change, etc. This should minimize the disruption to the majority of casual readers. We will display a banner on the sites stating we're 'read only' for maintenance. We expect that the site will be in a read-only state for less than an hour.

Longer More Technical Version of What’s Happening?


Our primary database servers are currently running on Windows Server 2012. We have two Windows Failover Clusters, one for Stack Overflow and one for Stack Exchange (Careers), each cluster contains three database servers. We will be upgrading the servers to Windows Server 2016. During the service interruption, we will be performing a failover of the servers still on Windows Server 2012 to the servers already on Windows Server 2016.

What we'll be doing

As mentioned we are using Windows Failover Clustering, along with SQL Server Always On Availability Groups, and Distributed Availability Groups to keep our data in sync across various servers, while giving us redundancy in multiple locations (NY and CO). Starting next week, we will be upgrading the operating systems across these servers to Windows Server 2016.

This upgrades involves many moving pieces, but high-level we will be doing the following next week:

  • Monday: we will be removing a NY server (currently a secondary) from an existing Windows Failover Cluster. The server will get a clean install of Windows Server 2016, a new Failover Cluster will be created, SQL Server 2017 will be reinstalled, and we will create new Availability Groups and new Distributed Availability Groups. By doing this, this server should start to receive data from the current primary SQL Server i.e. the one still in the old 2012 cluster.

  • Tuesday: another NY Secondary will follow the same path as the one on Monday.

  • Wednesday: the remote secondaries in CO will be removed from the old 2012 clusters, rebuilt, and put into the new 2016 failover clusters.

At this point, we will have a GO / NO-GO on the failover. If everything goes according to plan and we feel comfortable, then we will perform the failover (scheduled maintenance) . If anything gets delayed or if there are unexpected issues, then we will push the maintenance to later.

We will not be moving forward with the failover until we are comfortable.

When we perform the maintenance, we will be pointing the applications to the new 2016 servers and performing a SQL failover of the Distributed Availability Groups. We expect that the site will be in a read-only state for about an hour. During this time, we will be making progress announcements and updates on @StackStatus, so following along there if you're interested.

This is a very complicated move that we are making, which has been fully tested in a lab environment, but you can never be sure of anything during these types of operations. As Nick Craver said:

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth - Mike Tyson

Questions or concerns?

Please post a comment or answer below; I'll do my best to address any concerns between now and the maintenance window.

share|improve this question

Current status We have hit some unexpected issues and have rescheduled - title and dates below are updated. The work listed below for Monday/Tuesday has already been completed, the rest of the work will be completed on the day we perform the failover.

tl;dr: Planned service interruption that will impact all Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange sites, Jobs, Chat, and Teams. All sites will be read-only for up to an hour during the maintenance. Enterprise cloud hosted instances will not be impacted.

Short Version:

There will be a service degradation for up to an hour this upcoming week - possibly April 23rd, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30 PM US/Eastern). During that time questions and answers will still display, job listings will still work, and job ads will still display. However, the site will be "read only," i.e. people won't appear logged-in, won't be able to add/edit new job listings, apply for jobs, create, edit or vote on questions/comments/answers, reputation won't change, etc. This should minimize the disruption to the majority of casual readers. We will display a banner on the sites stating we're 'read only' for maintenance. We expect that the site will be in a read-only state for less than an hour.

Longer More Technical Version of What’s Happening?


Our primary database servers are currently running on Windows Server 2012. We have two Windows Failover Clusters, one for Stack Overflow and one for Stack Exchange (Careers), each cluster contains three database servers. We will be upgrading the servers to Windows Server 2016. During the service interruption, we will be performing a failover of the servers still on Windows Server 2012 to the servers already on Windows Server 2016.

What we'll be doing

As mentioned we are using Windows Failover Clustering, along with SQL Server Always On Availability Groups, and Distributed Availability Groups to keep our data in sync across various servers, while giving us redundancy in multiple locations (NY and CO). Starting next week, we will be upgrading the operating systems across these servers to Windows Server 2016.

This upgrades involves many moving pieces, but high-level we will be doing the following next week:

  • Monday: we will be removing a NY server (currently a secondary) from an existing Windows Failover Cluster. The server will get a clean install of Windows Server 2016, a new Failover Cluster will be created, SQL Server 2017 will be reinstalled, and we will create new Availability Groups and new Distributed Availability Groups. By doing this, this server should start to receive data from the current primary SQL Server i.e. the one still in the old 2012 cluster.

  • Tuesday: another NY Secondary will follow the same path as the one on Monday.

  • Wednesday: the remote secondaries in CO will be removed from the old 2012 clusters, rebuilt, and put into the new 2016 failover clusters.

At this point, we will have a GO / NO-GO on the failover. If everything goes according to plan and we feel comfortable, then we will perform the failover (scheduled maintenance) . If anything gets delayed or if there are unexpected issues, then we will push the maintenance to later.

We will not be moving forward with the failover until we are comfortable.

When we perform the maintenance, we will be pointing the applications to the new 2016 servers and performing a SQL failover of the Distributed Availability Groups. We expect that the site will be in a read-only state for about an hour. During this time, we will be making progress announcements and updates on @StackStatus, so following along there if you're interested.

This is a very complicated move that we are making, which has been fully tested in a lab environment, but you can never be sure of anything during these types of operations. As Nick Craver said:

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth - Mike Tyson

Questions or concerns?

Please post a comment or answer below; I'll do my best to address any concerns between now and the maintenance window.

discussion featured announcements

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited 2 hours ago

Peter Mortensen



asked Apr 12 at 19:06




  • 41

    I'll cross some fingers for you :P

    – Tim Stone
    Apr 12 at 19:12

  • 11

    @TimStone We need more than that. :)

    – Taryn
    Apr 12 at 19:15

  • 10

    Alright alright, I'll go buy some rum or something too

    – Tim Stone
    Apr 12 at 19:17

  • 107

    As you also take out chat, any chance we might be watching all of this in a live stream? Or do you expect us to go outside, get some fresh air and ... shrug talk to real people during that hour?

    – rene
    Apr 12 at 19:20

  • 5

    @rene I don't think there will be a livestream this time around, unless something changes between now and maintenance day. There are a ton of moving parts and that adds another layer of stuff.

    – Taryn
    Apr 12 at 19:24

  • 31

    Wait... will I have to... go to sleep!?

    – Artemis Fowl
    Apr 12 at 21:35

  • 26

    Looking forward to the upgrade to Server 2019 in six to eight weeks.

    – Michael Hampton
    Apr 13 at 1:29

  • 9

    @MichaelHampton that was the initial plan, but we ran into a lot of issues with it so decided 2016 got us the improvements we wanted on the SQL side. Also the biggest pain is leaving 2012, it wouldn’t be as complicated if we were on 2012 R2.

    – Taryn
    Apr 13 at 1:32

  • 51

    🔺 Thanks for plenty of notice.

    – Rob
    Apr 13 at 2:03

  • 7

    Banner text: We're 'read only' for 60 to 80 minutes for maintenance.

    – TGrif
    Apr 13 at 18:33

  • 4

    Why not take the AWS route, migrate to the cloud?

    – Housemd
    Apr 14 at 6:19

  • 7

    Ha! The AskDifferent, AskUbuntu and Unix StackExchange sites are running on Windows Server :)

    – LogicalBranch
    Apr 16 at 9:11

  • 4

    Why are you using Windows Server?

    – Sean
    Apr 16 at 19:18

  • 3

    @AndrewMorton Of course we'll share. We hit a significant bug within SQL Server and the Distributed AGs. Microsoft worked with us to get past the issue, but a fix will be released in the next CU.

    – Taryn
    2 days ago

  • 3

    I hope this is over soon. What will become of me during these hours?? Where will I go? What will I be??

    – Taslim Oseni

  • 41

    I'll cross some fingers for you :P

    – Tim Stone
    Apr 12 at 19:12

  • 11

    @TimStone We need more than that. :)

    – Taryn
    Apr 12 at 19:15

  • 10

    Alright alright, I'll go buy some rum or something too

    – Tim Stone
    Apr 12 at 19:17

  • 107

    As you also take out chat, any chance we might be watching all of this in a live stream? Or do you expect us to go outside, get some fresh air and ... shrug talk to real people during that hour?

    – rene
    Apr 12 at 19:20

  • 5

    @rene I don't think there will be a livestream this time around, unless something changes between now and maintenance day. There are a ton of moving parts and that adds another layer of stuff.

    – Taryn
    Apr 12 at 19:24

  • 31

    Wait... will I have to... go to sleep!?

    – Artemis Fowl
    Apr 12 at 21:35

  • 26

    Looking forward to the upgrade to Server 2019 in six to eight weeks.

    – Michael Hampton
    Apr 13 at 1:29

  • 9

    @MichaelHampton that was the initial plan, but we ran into a lot of issues with it so decided 2016 got us the improvements we wanted on the SQL side. Also the biggest pain is leaving 2012, it wouldn’t be as complicated if we were on 2012 R2.

    – Taryn
    Apr 13 at 1:32

  • 51

    🔺 Thanks for plenty of notice.

    – Rob
    Apr 13 at 2:03

  • 7

    Banner text: We're 'read only' for 60 to 80 minutes for maintenance.

    – TGrif
    Apr 13 at 18:33

  • 4

    Why not take the AWS route, migrate to the cloud?

    – Housemd
    Apr 14 at 6:19

  • 7

    Ha! The AskDifferent, AskUbuntu and Unix StackExchange sites are running on Windows Server :)

    – LogicalBranch
    Apr 16 at 9:11

  • 4

    Why are you using Windows Server?

    – Sean
    Apr 16 at 19:18

  • 3

    @AndrewMorton Of course we'll share. We hit a significant bug within SQL Server and the Distributed AGs. Microsoft worked with us to get past the issue, but a fix will be released in the next CU.

    – Taryn
    2 days ago

  • 3

    I hope this is over soon. What will become of me during these hours?? Where will I go? What will I be??

    – Taslim Oseni



I'll cross some fingers for you :P

– Tim Stone
Apr 12 at 19:12

I'll cross some fingers for you :P

– Tim Stone
Apr 12 at 19:12



@TimStone We need more than that. :)

– Taryn
Apr 12 at 19:15

@TimStone We need more than that. :)

– Taryn
Apr 12 at 19:15



Alright alright, I'll go buy some rum or something too

– Tim Stone
Apr 12 at 19:17

Alright alright, I'll go buy some rum or something too

– Tim Stone
Apr 12 at 19:17



As you also take out chat, any chance we might be watching all of this in a live stream? Or do you expect us to go outside, get some fresh air and ... shrug talk to real people during that hour?

– rene
Apr 12 at 19:20

As you also take out chat, any chance we might be watching all of this in a live stream? Or do you expect us to go outside, get some fresh air and ... shrug talk to real people during that hour?

– rene
Apr 12 at 19:20



@rene I don't think there will be a livestream this time around, unless something changes between now and maintenance day. There are a ton of moving parts and that adds another layer of stuff.

– Taryn
Apr 12 at 19:24

@rene I don't think there will be a livestream this time around, unless something changes between now and maintenance day. There are a ton of moving parts and that adds another layer of stuff.

– Taryn
Apr 12 at 19:24



Wait... will I have to... go to sleep!?

– Artemis Fowl
Apr 12 at 21:35

Wait... will I have to... go to sleep!?

– Artemis Fowl
Apr 12 at 21:35



Looking forward to the upgrade to Server 2019 in six to eight weeks.

– Michael Hampton
Apr 13 at 1:29

Looking forward to the upgrade to Server 2019 in six to eight weeks.

– Michael Hampton
Apr 13 at 1:29



@MichaelHampton that was the initial plan, but we ran into a lot of issues with it so decided 2016 got us the improvements we wanted on the SQL side. Also the biggest pain is leaving 2012, it wouldn’t be as complicated if we were on 2012 R2.

– Taryn
Apr 13 at 1:32

@MichaelHampton that was the initial plan, but we ran into a lot of issues with it so decided 2016 got us the improvements we wanted on the SQL side. Also the biggest pain is leaving 2012, it wouldn’t be as complicated if we were on 2012 R2.

– Taryn
Apr 13 at 1:32



🔺 Thanks for plenty of notice.

– Rob
Apr 13 at 2:03

🔺 Thanks for plenty of notice.

– Rob
Apr 13 at 2:03



Banner text: We're 'read only' for 60 to 80 minutes for maintenance.

– TGrif
Apr 13 at 18:33

Banner text: We're 'read only' for 60 to 80 minutes for maintenance.

– TGrif
Apr 13 at 18:33



Why not take the AWS route, migrate to the cloud?

– Housemd
Apr 14 at 6:19

Why not take the AWS route, migrate to the cloud?

– Housemd
Apr 14 at 6:19



Ha! The AskDifferent, AskUbuntu and Unix StackExchange sites are running on Windows Server :)

– LogicalBranch
Apr 16 at 9:11

Ha! The AskDifferent, AskUbuntu and Unix StackExchange sites are running on Windows Server :)

– LogicalBranch
Apr 16 at 9:11



Why are you using Windows Server?

– Sean
Apr 16 at 19:18

Why are you using Windows Server?

– Sean
Apr 16 at 19:18



@AndrewMorton Of course we'll share. We hit a significant bug within SQL Server and the Distributed AGs. Microsoft worked with us to get past the issue, but a fix will be released in the next CU.

– Taryn
2 days ago

@AndrewMorton Of course we'll share. We hit a significant bug within SQL Server and the Distributed AGs. Microsoft worked with us to get past the issue, but a fix will be released in the next CU.

– Taryn
2 days ago



I hope this is over soon. What will become of me during these hours?? Where will I go? What will I be??

– Taslim Oseni

I hope this is over soon. What will become of me during these hours?? Where will I go? What will I be??

– Taslim Oseni

4 Answers





Just don't take too long. I don't know how long I'll be able to wait without commenting on, answering, or editing a post.

It is my life at this point.

share|improve this answer


    How do we know if the maintenance has been finished already or not yet carried out?

    share|improve this answer

    • 5

      We'll update this post once done or if delayed beyond April 18th.

      – Taryn
      Apr 18 at 12:34

    • It will be tweeted!

      – Chirag Jain
      2 days ago


    Once maintenance is complete, will we be treated to a blow by blow story, with personal drama, difficulties overcome, and maybe even a touch of tragedy and romance?

    share|improve this answer

    • 11

      Yes I will blog about it. If you have been following me or Nick on twitter, you'll notice things are not going well.

      – Taryn
      Apr 19 at 21:52


    Taryn, Stack Overflow has a tiny unobtrusive banner reminding us. I don't see this on any of our other sites. Could this be added to all the sites and during the event a different banner (End: ETA) appear?

    Reminder Banner

    share|improve this answer

    • 5

      This was added specifically on Stack Overflow because of Teams and is only shown to users of Teams, so currently it’s limited to that and I don’t think there are plans to expand that banner elsewhere at this time. During the maintenance we will have the normal banner that states we are read-only for maintenance.

      – Taryn
      23 hours ago

    • @Taryn The banner reads 7:30 pm ET, shouldn't that be 7:30 pm EST?

      – Meta Bug Wizard
      11 hours ago

    • 1

      @MetaBugWizard Nope, it's currently Daylight Saving Time.

      – Taryn
      11 hours ago

    4 Answers




    4 Answers











    Just don't take too long. I don't know how long I'll be able to wait without commenting on, answering, or editing a post.

    It is my life at this point.

    share|improve this answer


      Just don't take too long. I don't know how long I'll be able to wait without commenting on, answering, or editing a post.

      It is my life at this point.

      share|improve this answer




        Just don't take too long. I don't know how long I'll be able to wait without commenting on, answering, or editing a post.

        It is my life at this point.

        share|improve this answer

        Just don't take too long. I don't know how long I'll be able to wait without commenting on, answering, or editing a post.

        It is my life at this point.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Apr 16 at 20:41





            How do we know if the maintenance has been finished already or not yet carried out?

            share|improve this answer

            • 5

              We'll update this post once done or if delayed beyond April 18th.

              – Taryn
              Apr 18 at 12:34

            • It will be tweeted!

              – Chirag Jain
              2 days ago


            How do we know if the maintenance has been finished already or not yet carried out?

            share|improve this answer

            • 5

              We'll update this post once done or if delayed beyond April 18th.

              – Taryn
              Apr 18 at 12:34

            • It will be tweeted!

              – Chirag Jain
              2 days ago




            How do we know if the maintenance has been finished already or not yet carried out?

            share|improve this answer

            How do we know if the maintenance has been finished already or not yet carried out?

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Apr 18 at 12:33

            Meta Bug WizardMeta Bug Wizard



            • 5

              We'll update this post once done or if delayed beyond April 18th.

              – Taryn
              Apr 18 at 12:34

            • It will be tweeted!

              – Chirag Jain
              2 days ago

            • 5

              We'll update this post once done or if delayed beyond April 18th.

              – Taryn
              Apr 18 at 12:34

            • It will be tweeted!

              – Chirag Jain
              2 days ago



            We'll update this post once done or if delayed beyond April 18th.

            – Taryn
            Apr 18 at 12:34

            We'll update this post once done or if delayed beyond April 18th.

            – Taryn
            Apr 18 at 12:34

            It will be tweeted!

            – Chirag Jain
            2 days ago

            It will be tweeted!

            – Chirag Jain
            2 days ago


            Once maintenance is complete, will we be treated to a blow by blow story, with personal drama, difficulties overcome, and maybe even a touch of tragedy and romance?

            share|improve this answer

            • 11

              Yes I will blog about it. If you have been following me or Nick on twitter, you'll notice things are not going well.

              – Taryn
              Apr 19 at 21:52


            Once maintenance is complete, will we be treated to a blow by blow story, with personal drama, difficulties overcome, and maybe even a touch of tragedy and romance?

            share|improve this answer

            • 11

              Yes I will blog about it. If you have been following me or Nick on twitter, you'll notice things are not going well.

              – Taryn
              Apr 19 at 21:52




            Once maintenance is complete, will we be treated to a blow by blow story, with personal drama, difficulties overcome, and maybe even a touch of tragedy and romance?

            share|improve this answer

            Once maintenance is complete, will we be treated to a blow by blow story, with personal drama, difficulties overcome, and maybe even a touch of tragedy and romance?

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Apr 19 at 21:51




            • 11

              Yes I will blog about it. If you have been following me or Nick on twitter, you'll notice things are not going well.

              – Taryn
              Apr 19 at 21:52

            • 11

              Yes I will blog about it. If you have been following me or Nick on twitter, you'll notice things are not going well.

              – Taryn
              Apr 19 at 21:52



            Yes I will blog about it. If you have been following me or Nick on twitter, you'll notice things are not going well.

            – Taryn
            Apr 19 at 21:52

            Yes I will blog about it. If you have been following me or Nick on twitter, you'll notice things are not going well.

            – Taryn
            Apr 19 at 21:52


            Taryn, Stack Overflow has a tiny unobtrusive banner reminding us. I don't see this on any of our other sites. Could this be added to all the sites and during the event a different banner (End: ETA) appear?

            Reminder Banner

            share|improve this answer

            • 5

              This was added specifically on Stack Overflow because of Teams and is only shown to users of Teams, so currently it’s limited to that and I don’t think there are plans to expand that banner elsewhere at this time. During the maintenance we will have the normal banner that states we are read-only for maintenance.

              – Taryn
              23 hours ago

            • @Taryn The banner reads 7:30 pm ET, shouldn't that be 7:30 pm EST?

              – Meta Bug Wizard
              11 hours ago

            • 1

              @MetaBugWizard Nope, it's currently Daylight Saving Time.

              – Taryn
              11 hours ago


            Taryn, Stack Overflow has a tiny unobtrusive banner reminding us. I don't see this on any of our other sites. Could this be added to all the sites and during the event a different banner (End: ETA) appear?

            Reminder Banner

            share|improve this answer

            • 5

              This was added specifically on Stack Overflow because of Teams and is only shown to users of Teams, so currently it’s limited to that and I don’t think there are plans to expand that banner elsewhere at this time. During the maintenance we will have the normal banner that states we are read-only for maintenance.

              – Taryn
              23 hours ago

            • @Taryn The banner reads 7:30 pm ET, shouldn't that be 7:30 pm EST?

              – Meta Bug Wizard
              11 hours ago

            • 1

              @MetaBugWizard Nope, it's currently Daylight Saving Time.

              – Taryn
              11 hours ago




            Taryn, Stack Overflow has a tiny unobtrusive banner reminding us. I don't see this on any of our other sites. Could this be added to all the sites and during the event a different banner (End: ETA) appear?

            Reminder Banner

            share|improve this answer

            Taryn, Stack Overflow has a tiny unobtrusive banner reminding us. I don't see this on any of our other sites. Could this be added to all the sites and during the event a different banner (End: ETA) appear?

            Reminder Banner

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered 23 hours ago




            • 5

              This was added specifically on Stack Overflow because of Teams and is only shown to users of Teams, so currently it’s limited to that and I don’t think there are plans to expand that banner elsewhere at this time. During the maintenance we will have the normal banner that states we are read-only for maintenance.

              – Taryn
              23 hours ago

            • @Taryn The banner reads 7:30 pm ET, shouldn't that be 7:30 pm EST?

              – Meta Bug Wizard
              11 hours ago

            • 1

              @MetaBugWizard Nope, it's currently Daylight Saving Time.

              – Taryn
              11 hours ago

            • 5

              This was added specifically on Stack Overflow because of Teams and is only shown to users of Teams, so currently it’s limited to that and I don’t think there are plans to expand that banner elsewhere at this time. During the maintenance we will have the normal banner that states we are read-only for maintenance.

              – Taryn
              23 hours ago

            • @Taryn The banner reads 7:30 pm ET, shouldn't that be 7:30 pm EST?

              – Meta Bug Wizard
              11 hours ago

            • 1

              @MetaBugWizard Nope, it's currently Daylight Saving Time.

              – Taryn
              11 hours ago



            This was added specifically on Stack Overflow because of Teams and is only shown to users of Teams, so currently it’s limited to that and I don’t think there are plans to expand that banner elsewhere at this time. During the maintenance we will have the normal banner that states we are read-only for maintenance.

            – Taryn
            23 hours ago

            This was added specifically on Stack Overflow because of Teams and is only shown to users of Teams, so currently it’s limited to that and I don’t think there are plans to expand that banner elsewhere at this time. During the maintenance we will have the normal banner that states we are read-only for maintenance.

            – Taryn
            23 hours ago

            @Taryn The banner reads 7:30 pm ET, shouldn't that be 7:30 pm EST?

            – Meta Bug Wizard
            11 hours ago

            @Taryn The banner reads 7:30 pm ET, shouldn't that be 7:30 pm EST?

            – Meta Bug Wizard
            11 hours ago



            @MetaBugWizard Nope, it's currently Daylight Saving Time.

            – Taryn
            11 hours ago

            @MetaBugWizard Nope, it's currently Daylight Saving Time.

            – Taryn
            11 hours ago

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